The Housing Choice Voucher Program (formerly known as Section 8), exists to provide federally funded housing assistance payments to low-income families in order to secure safe and quality housing.
A landlord participating in the Section 8 Program is to provide a safe, decent and sanitary dwelling unit to tenants. The unit must meet the Housing Quality Standards and a Rent Reasonableness test. The landlord is expected to provide the services described in the lease and contract with the MHA. In no way may the MHA provide management services to owners. The landlord will be required to agree and comply with Title 6 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title 8 of the 1968 Civil Rights Act and Executive Order 11063. There are other necessary certifications which landlords shall make. All documents may be reviewed prior to execution.
Landlord Seminars are available and are scheduled on an as needed basis. The Section 8 staff is also available for individual landlord consultations.
The purpose of this housing program is to provide Federally funded housing assistance payments to lower income families to secure decent safe and sanitary housing. It is tailored to meet individual needs of the families by offering them freedom of choice in finding a unit suitable to their needs and desires. The Marion Housing Authority, under the regulations of the program, has the authority to assist 421 families with the Section 8 Voucher Program. This provides rent assistance to families in existing dwelling units located in the City of Marion and within five miles of the Marion city limits.
Any family who meets income eligibility requirements may apply for this program. Factors such as family composition, income, assets, medical expenses, child care expenses and other expenses are considered in calculating allowances and deductions to arrive at an annual income. All statements made on the application must be verified and documented before assistance is given.
Note: Admission to this program can be denied if the applicant does not meet Housing Authority standards because of a history of wrongful behavior such as: owing money to any subsidized housing program or criminal activity including current and past illegal drug activity.
A waiting list is maintained by the Section 8 Office. Each applicant shall be assigned their appropriate place on a community-wide waiting list based upon the date and time of their application. When a family’s name comes to the top of the waiting list, a Voucher of Family Participation will be offered to them. If the Voucher is declined, the family is removed from the waiting list. If a notice is mailed to determine continued interest, and the Section 8 Office receives no response, the family is removed from the waiting list and must reapply.
The Marion Housing Authority will review all applications and issue the proper form of assistance notices or advise the family of its non-eligibility.
Families wishing to retain present housing may do so with the Existing Voucher Program. All units must pass the Housing Quality Standards (HQS) established by HUD for Section 8 Existing Housing Programs. All leases must be approved by the MHA before execution.
All families receiving housing assistance are required to attend a briefing session before participating in the program. Voucher holders will be given a full and complete explanation of the program by the MHA Section 8 staff. Families will be provided the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the information presented.
This is an arbitrary amount set by the Department of HUD as a ceiling or maximum in which if the total of rent to the landlord plus any utility allowance exceeds the payment standard, the tenant will have to pay the difference. The Payment Standard will vary by number of bedrooms in the unit. How these figures are used will be explained more fully in the Briefing Session after eligibility is established.